Friday, March 20, 2009

Graffiti Bilbao
This graffiti art was photographed in Bilbao on our way to the Winery's. The Language is in Bask and has a very interesting style. It has a geometric concept to it that isnt relevant in any other graffiti I have photographed in Spain. It is composed of several different geometric patterns that are filled either solid or lightly shaded. In the back ground of the photo you can see different colored starts. The theme probably has something to do with the word that is in Bask.

Graffiti Barcelona
This graffiti was photographed in Barcelona. I think this method of spray painting is most interesting because it comes alive at different times of the day. Since the graffiti is done on the garage doors of restaurants, and retail centers. They are only open at certain hours of the day. So the experience is only seen during closing hours, siesta, and on Sundays. The work is both public and private and the store keeps don't seem to mind the graffiti because it is not permanently on display during all hours, like it would be if it was on the side of a building.

Graffiti Art Merida
Sorry for the quality, This was a night shot. This was the only graffiti I found in Merida. It was located by the Roman Aqueducts and was very incredible. This was the most beautiful work I found along our trip to southern Spain. The location seemed to be more private then public since it was behind some bushes away from the Aqueducts. But the art was amazing, It had extreme detail and a style that I hadnt seen anywhere else in Spain. Combineing a sort of abstract organic graffiti form. Resembles the artist Nadir Afonso.

Granada Sevilla
These were taken in Sevilla of the empty spaces from 1992 Exhibition. You can see here that there is no real hierarchy of graffiti art here. The place is a location where several artists come together to express their art together in integration. It combines a portrait of different styles and feelings of the artists together. It is a perfect location to do this also. After 1992 urban spaces became empty and un-used making them prime locations for graffiti art. This is also perfect since there are no business' that would be upset at vandalism and no public parks or space where people would hang around. It is to only observe.

Graffiti Sevilla
Thought I would add this from the recycling bins
Graffiti Sevilla
This Graffiti was taken in our trip to Sevilla. There was alot of interesting Spray paint done in this city. But this caught the most of my attention because it was a targeting idea. These small structures purpose were for recycling. There were several of these throught the city each spray painted differently. They were not mainstream sprayed with any type of companies or marketing but seemed to be done by locals. I think it was a good idea to get the attention of people to attract them to reclye.
Graffiti Located In Granada
This next location I choose to photograph because the location seemed perfect. It was on the route to the Alhambra and Unlike the Madrid Graffiti that looked permanent this seemed to be almost a temporary exhibit. It was sprayed on a building under-construction so the artist knowing the it probably wouldn't last long did a quick Tag of a word (in Spanish and complicated to make out). But I recolonize the letters GS and a heart of wings. Could be a memorial to someone.

Graffiti Madrid
This Photo was taken During our Visit to Madrid. Location was on a small public square. You can see the large mural was probably done in pieces because of the detail it could not have been completed in one night. It seems to express a portrait of a graffiti artist and an eye. In between them I can make out one word in English that says Soul. The other word of above this I cannot make out. This was the only significant Paint done on this square and no one else out of respect sprayed over it or around it.